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WBS - 2023 Spring/기술 오퍼레이션 매니지먼트

(기술 #5-6) 소니

by fastcho 2023. 5. 6.

외부 강사를 초청한 내용을 듣고 레포트 작성을 하는 것으로 되어있다.

Objective of my lecture today


학교법인 소니학원, 상북단기대학 이사장 및 학장이라고 한다. 

Sony Institute of Higher Education, Shohoku College

타카노세 카즈아키 상

와세다 출신이라고 한다. 

해외 경험이 매우 많은 분이시다. 

Sony Institute of Higher Education, Shohoku College



1972년 ~ 1976년의 와세다를 보여주는데..

우리나라 80년대 처럼.. 

학생들과 기동대의 모습이 나온다..  ㅎ ㄷㄷ 

Student Movements



My optimistic expectation to Sony business career was totally smashed!



1997년에는 TV, Walkman, PC, Semiconducto가 64%의 비중을 차지하고 있었으나

2017년에는 비교적 분산

Sony Group : Drastic Business Portfolio during 20 years




If I look back my 25 years career in Sony Group




기존에 각 부문별 있던 구매 조직을 하나의 조직으로 통합

Mission: "Unify the existing procurement into one rigid organization"



People, Products(+Services), Capital(Money), Footing Foundation

4 X Fundamental Business Elements



Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors


Long-standing Concerns: Organization of Sony procurement function had been periodically changed by top mangement decision swinging between overall optimization and individual optimization

소니 자재조달조직의 장년의 과제



SEMC Sourcing Organization with Matrix Structure 

(= Project Sourcing x Strategic Sourcing)

SEMC Sourcing Organization with Matrix Structure

Project Sourcing Function by Model

Project Sourcing members are responsible for BOM (Bill of Material) management and materials availability for On-Line by mobile phone model. 



SEMC Sourcing Organization with Matrix Structure

Strategic Sourcing Function by Component Category

Strategic Sourcing Buyers are responsible for component category management and consolidated cost negotiation





Procurement Group Organization

